• AM's do not sign up.

    Only the official owner of an office should sign up for WebPDI. So if you are a pilot office the DVM should sign up. AM accounts are created automatically. »

  • Cost

    A regular WebPDI subscription is $87 a month. Pay for it with a few saved sample kits or a little bump in productivity! WebPDI isn't going to just save you money it's going to help you make money. Your first charge will be 7 days after successfully submitting your billing information.

  • Getting Started
  • 1. Submit your personal & business information
  • 2. Enter your billing information
  • 3. Wait for us to send you an "office added" email.

    Explanation : We must link your office to the Vector/WebPDI syncing system first. You will receive an email from us once we have completed your office setup. From the email you will confirm your office's participation in WebPDI.

  • 4. Install a good browser, i.e., Google Chrome
  • 5. Watch the videos on WebPDI.com/tv
1. Personal & Business Info

✓ User Info Completed. Please enter your billing info.

  • Your 4 character Vector Office Number. Examples : 83A9, 4033.
  • The name of your Vector Office. Examples : Austin, Calgary, Boston South
  • Good news for you!

    Take advantage of the Branch Manager Summer Special

    Four months of WebPDI at $87 per month is $268.

    Get all 4 months of summer for only 199 :-)

    You pay for it now (on a card) perhaps out of your startup witholdings.

    SMS costs are elective on all plans and always have been. Pay as you go. Billed Monthly.
  • Plan
  • loading
2. Billing Info It's Required.

You will be redirected to the billing page once you complete step 1 above.

✓ Billing info completed.
   Check email for subscription receipt & complete steps 3-5. Go to your WebPDI

10 years & thousands of users later.

WebPDI is your battle-ready, summer-tested PDI solution used by hundreds of offices.

Angie Macdougall DVM CanRock

Angie Macdougall
National Sales Manager

WebPDI has given us a more efficient way of tracking individual rep statistics and "story". In the past we would end up asking the same question over and over, which didn't help us build great relationships. The ability to split our office into teams easily each week saves a lot of time and helps myself, as the DVM, to see results of each team leader.

Setting up the agenda each meeting and promoting what's hot, is way easier with WebPDI. We don't lose important details or opportunities to promote and recognize reps.

As a DVM being away from the office at certain times, WebPDI on my iPhone gives me a clear picture of what is going on with the office. I would recommend it for sure.